• Map

Practical information

Are you planning to visit Breda? On this page you will find useful and practical information, such as where to park your bike, how to best get to Breda, opening hours of places you would like to visit, and the map of the city.

Public transport to the city

Breda is easily accessible via various means of transport and is very centrally located in relation to major (Dutch) cities. Planning a trip to Breda and want to be well-prepared? Or curious about the best ways to get around in this city? You'll find everything you need on this page.

Parking in Breda

Do you want to know where you can park your bike, car, scooter or even your tour bus? Check out the page about parking in Breda or visit one of the car parks, grounds and bicycle parkings below

Plan your visit

I come

Accessibility in Breda

Breda is a city where everyone is welcome and where we look out for each other. A place that feels like home. Also, if you have a disability and need extra facilities. You can adjust the digital accessibility of the website at any time by clicking on the button in the bottom right corner or in the menu. On the pages below, you can read more about the physical accessibility of Breda.

Other practical information

Curious about other practical information for a visit to Breda. Read more information on the following pages:

  • City map of Breda, available both physically and digitally
  • Here you can find the public toilets in Breda
  • Where can you stay overnight in Breda? You can read about it here.
  • This page provides answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Would you like to rent a bike in Breda?
  • All about the accessibility and parking in Breda
  • If you prefer to be helped in person, visit the Explore Breda Store.