• Map

City map

Do you want to explore Breda with a city map full of highlights and nice places to visit? Then we offer you a number of possibilities. Explore it here!

Interactive city map

On the interactive city map, you will find many locations in Breda. Go exploring and discover the places you want to visit. Save them on your own list and view your own digital map. Get started with the interactive map now.

You can also explore Breda through the Explore Breda App. In the app, you will find an overview of hotspots that you can easily visit through a green, creative or historical route. You will also find all the murals of the Blind Walls Gallery. So if you want to combine cool hotspots with some Blind Walls, download the app for Android or iPhone.

Prefer paper instead?

Atvarious locations in Breda, such as the city map in PDF format.

Explore the city through routes